
The FluentContext object exposes localization functions via the svelte context. It’s used internally by the Localized and Overlay components. It can also be retrieved with getFluentContext and used directly.


The FluentContext.localize function allows you to use localizations in component scripts. This can be useful when interacting with browser APIs or third-party libraries.

Using the Localized and getFluentContext components is the preferred way to localize your application with svelte-fluent. The FluentContext.localize function provides additional flexibility in situations where using the components would not be feasible.

const { localize } = getFluentContext();
const text = localize(id, args);


idstringundefinedUnique identifier for the translation
argsRecord<string, FluentVariable>undefinedArguments for interpolation

Return value

The localized message as a string.

Static text example

	import { getFluentContext } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';
	const { localize } = getFluentContext();

<button onclick={() => window.alert(localize('hello'))}>Say hello</button>
hello = Hello, world!

Dynamic text with variables example

	import { getFluentContext } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';
	const { localize } = getFluentContext();
	const name = 'World';

<button onclick={() => window.alert(localize('hello', { name }))}>Say hello</button>
hello = Hello, {$name}!

Attributes example

You can reference attributes of a translation message by calling localize with both identifiers joined with a period.

In the example below this is done for the .default attribute of the prompt message by calling localize with 'prompt.default' as the message identifier.

	import { getFluentContext } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';
	const { localize } = getFluentContext();

<button onclick={() => window.prompt(localize('prompt'), localize('prompt.default'))}>
	Show prompt
prompt = Please enter your name
	.default = Your name goes here