Version 1

What’s new?

Svelte 5 support

Svelte 5 is now fully supported by svelte-fluent.

Server-side localizations

In previous versions, svelte-fluent could only be used inside of components. With the introduction of the SvelteFluent object in version 1, you can now use svelte-fluent anywhere you want.

For an example how to integrate it with SvelteKit .server.js files and form actions, check out the SvelteKit integration guide.

Loading .ftl files

The bundler plugin of svelte-fluent now allows you to directly import your .ftl files. Previous versions relied on loading the .ftl files as raw strings either via vite’s ?raw import or adding rollup-plugin-string.

Breaking changes

  • Svelte-fluent now requires svelte 5
  • The $localized store was removed
  • The FluentProvider component is now considered deprecated and will be removed in a later release
  • The Localized and Overlay components now use svelte snippets. For usage with slots, svelte-fluent provides legacy wrappers
  • The import path for the rollup/vite plugins changed to @nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/rollup and @nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/vite.

Migration Guide

$localized store

As a replacement to the $localized store, svelte-fluent provides the localize function as part of the FluentContext.


	import { localize } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';

<button onclick={() => window.alert($localize('hello'))}>Say hello</button>


	import { getFluentContext } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';
	const { localize } = getFluentContext();

<button onclick={() => window.alert(localize('hello'))}>Say hello</button>

FluentProvider deprecation

Replace the FluentProvider component with createSvelteFluent and initFluentContext.


	import { FluentBundle, FluentResource } from '@fluent/bundle';
	import { FluentProvider, Localized } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';

	const translations = 'hello = Hello, world!';
	const bundle = new FluentBundle('en');
	bundle.addResource(new FluentResource(translations));

<FluentProvider bundles={[bundle]}>
	<Localized id="hello" />


	import { FluentBundle, FluentResource } from '@fluent/bundle';
	import { createSvelteFluent, initFluentContext, Localized } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';

	const translations = 'hello = Hello, world!';
	const bundle = new FluentBundle('en');
	bundle.addResource(new FluentResource(translations));

	initFluentContext(() => createSvelteFluent([bundle]));

<Localized id="hello" />

Replace Localize/Overlay slots with snippets

Slots are deprecated in Svelte 5 and all svelte-fluent components now use snippets instead. If you want to start using snippets with svelte-fluent, you need do some simple changes:


<Localized id="hello" let:text let:attrs>
	Custom rendering with {text} and {attrs}.


<Localized id="hello">
	{#snippet children({ text, attrs })}
		Custom rendering with {text} and {attrs}.

Continue using Localize/Overlay components with slots

In case you’re not ready to migrate to snippets, svelte-fluent offers compatibility components that allow you to continue using slots as before. To use those components you need to update your imports.

-    import { Localized } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent';
+    import { Localized } from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/legacy';

 <Localized id="hello" let:text let:attrs>
     Custom rendering with {text} and {attrs}.

vite/rollup plugin import paths


-import svelteFluent from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/rollup-plugin';
+import svelteFluent from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/vite';

 /** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */
 const config = {
     plugins: [svelteFluent()]

 export default config;


-import svelteFluent from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/rollup-plugin';
+import svelteFluent from '@nubolab-ffwd/svelte-fluent/rollup';

 export default {
     client: {
         plugins: [svelteFluent()]
     server: {
         plugins: [svelteFluent({ ssr: true })]

Ftl file loading

Since svelte-fluent now handles importing .ftl files directly, you can simplify your translation loading code.


	import translationsEn from './en.ftl?raw';

	const resource = new FluentResource(translationsEn);
	const bundle = new FluentBundle('en');


	import resourceEn from './en.ftl';

	const bundle = new FluentBundle('en');